General Administration of the Jointly- Responsible University Credit Fund

Mr. O. Alfonso Venegas Oyarzún
Administrator -

7181500 - 7181501 





A dynamic and flexible administration capable of adapting itself to the changes and challenges of the environment, a  leader in the activity of recovering, by its own means, the different owed university credits, fulfilling the social commitment of satisfying the needs that, in this sense, are required by the students.



The mission of this unit that depends on the Vice Presidency of Economic and Administrative Affairs is to recover the different credits bestowed by the University to its students to cover totally or partially the annual registration fee, backed by the university promissory notes which increase the patrimony of the fund.



The general objective is to manage the funds provided to low- income students, which have their origin in a fiscal contribution and in the recovery generated by the payments made by the alumni or debtors. Among the specific objectives are:

-To carry out every possible action meant to optimize the collection. -To keep a strict control of the debts related to them. -To take care of the integrity of the promissory notes associated to the debts. -To give a very good service to the debtors.


Main functions

  • Debtor’s follow up: this activity fundamentally involves the administration of the debtor’s information, the estimation of the annual debt, the installments to be paid and the update of the post payment debt and, if he/she is in arrears, the respective legal procedure.
  • Debt collection: it will be carried out through a collection office that is in charge of receiving the debtor’s payments made at the banks with which it has an agreement for this purpose and in its offices along the country. Currently, the task is carried out by the external company ORSAN S.A.
  • Taking care of the promissory note: the students’ promissory notes -the only legal document that backs the University in front of the debtors- are kept in a vault.
  • To do the accountancy: to register the operations that affect the assets, liabilities, results and patrimony of the Fund in its Accountancy, and to timely issue the financial reports that it generates. Computing processes: it updates a data base of the debtors which turns out to be a support to the Fund Administrator and the different internal and external organizations that require the financial information about the debts.