President Correa’s invitation to believe in the transforming power of education

Before an audience of over 800 people at the Aula Magna, Universidad de Santiago de Chile bestowed an honorary doctorate on Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, for his academic merits, his strong commitment to universities’ development, for favoring links between Chile and his country, and for contributing to South American integration. Dr. Juan Manuel Zolezzi, President of Universidad de Santiago, said that this high academic honor was promoted by the Faculty of Administration and Economics and also highlighted President Correa’s contributions, specifying that he has driven “the largest educational reform in the history of his country, in order to improve the quality of primary, secondary and higher education; a public policy that has become an example for all Latin America”. After receiving a gold medal, the highest institutional distinction, President Correa said he was “honored” and he invited the University community “to believe in talent and in the transforming power of education, science and technology.”

On May 14th, our University bestowed an honorary doctorate (Honoris Causa) to his Excellency, the President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa Delgado.The highest academic distinction, bestowed by Universidad de Santiago on distinguished figures who contribute to knowledge and humanity, was awarded to the Ecuadorian head of state in a crowded ceremony held at Aula Magna, headed by Dr. Juan Manuel Zolezzi, President of our University.Distinguished Ecuadorian and Chilean guests attended the solemn activity. Diplomatic delegations from several countries and high authorities of our University, like Dr. Silvia Ferrada, Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics, were also present. This faculty was the one that promoted President Correa’s distinction.Members of the University’s community and other guests, like Joan Turner, Víctor Jaras’ widow and his daughter Amanda Jara Turner also attended the ceremony.Dr. Zolezzi highlighted President Correa’s achievements and significant social contributions, particularly, to education in his country, the reasons why he deserved the Honorary Doctor distinction and the “Universidad de Santiago de Chile Medal”, gold category.Contribution to educationDr. Zolezzi said that President Correa “has driven the largest educational reform in the history of his country, in order to improve the quality of primary, secondary and higher education; a public policy that has become an example for all Latin America.”“This fact has a special meaning to us- he added- when we are before the Chileans’ majority clamor asking for large educational reforms (…) we are certain that this is the time to implement them, because education is the best tool to defeat inequality.”Dr. Zolezzi said that through this distinction to the Ecuadorian head of state, “we are expressing our highest respect and admiration for him as an example to the world’s young generations, which are constantly fighting for noble, just and viable causes that identify men as men, by understanding humanity and justice; that identify men with their origins, with nature; that make them feel as part of a world vision, as citizens of the world.”After President Zolezzi’s words, Universidad de Santiago’s General Secretary Gustavo Robles read the official resolution document by which President Correa was distinguished, for his contribution to favoring links between the Republic of Chile and his country, his strong commitment to universities’ development, as well as for his academic merits and contribution to the South American region integration.“Believe in human talent”In his speech, President Correa, an economist who has been re-elected for a third period to the Presidency of his country, said he felt “honored” for being conferred this distinction by our University and expressed his admiration for Chilean people and Chilean historical figures like Salvador Allende, Víctor Jara and Pablo Neruda.With great eloquence and knowledge of the reality of the countries of what he called “Patria Grande” (Latin America), President Correa reviewed his major achievements during his tenure regarding matters like economy, health, labor policies and, especially, education, where he highlighted the progress made by his administration.While he was speaking, the new Universidad de Santiago’s Honorary Doctor- the 14th awarded since the institutional regulations were established in 2000- was interrupted several times by loud applause by an audience that crowded the Aula Magna. Regarding education, he highlighted, for example, the creation of four new universities during his tenure, the closure of 14 “deficient” universities and the higher rate of participation in higher education of the lowest income quintile of his country.Also, President Correa reiterated his support to the idea of education as a human right and he called for “believing in human talent.”“I strongly believe in the transforming power of education, science and technology; even more, my hopes rely on this power: my hope for the future of our planet, for a sustainable way of living, for the possibility of offering a good life to all humankind (…),” he emphasized.    “Promoting knowledge will allow a higher scientific and technological progress, but what is most important, its application for the common good. In Ecuador we have banked on investing in talent in order to achieve sustainable and sovereign development,” President Correa concluded.To see the photo gallery, click on the following link:…[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"default","fid":"3493","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image"}}]]Translated by Marcela Contreras