
Researcher at Universidad de Santiago was awarded a prize by the International Society of Electrochemistry

Dr. Federico Tasca, of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, won one of the ISE Travel Awards for Young Electrochemists, together with other young scientists around the world who are significantly contributing to this field. At present, Dr. Tasca is focused on studying biofuel cells to generate electricity.


Universidad reafirma su compromiso con equidad e inclusión social

En ceremonia realizada este sábado en el Aula Magna, jóvenes de 14 colegios de alta vulnerabilidad social de la Región Metropolitana, recibieron sus respectivos diplomas, tras aprobar con éxito el Programa Propedéutico-Unesco “Nueva Esperanza, Mejor Futuro”, iniciativa de inclusión educativa que ofrece nuestra Casa de Estudios desde 2007, erigiéndose como pionera en este ámbito. Un total de 66 estudiantes fueron becados para su ingreso al Bachillerato de Ciencias y Humanidades.

University confirms its commitment to equity and social inclusion

In a ceremony held on December 21st, at the Aula Magna, young students from 14 low-income schools of the Metropolitan Region were awarded diplomas after successfully completing the Propedéutico-Unesco Program “New Hope, Better Future”. This educational inclusion initiative is offered since 2007 by our University, what makes it a pioneer in this field. A total of 66 students were granted scholarships to enter the Bachelor’s Program in Science and Humanities.