
Scientific knowledge can and should be seen as the catalyst for the country’s progress and success through research, development, and innovation. On this basis, it is important for the University of Santiago to define priority research areas that address the needs of the nation, regions, and localities. To meet this challenge, the university has the essential support of the Vice Rector’s Office for Research, Development, Innovation, and Creation which generates and coordinates all the university’s actions in the field of scientific research.


publications WOS


Scopus Publications


Active FONDECYT projects


Institutional Repository

En esta imagen se muestra partes de metal de alguna maquina


The institutional repository is a collaborative space where the academic and scientific production produced at the University of Santiago de Chile is preserved, stored, and disseminated in digital format.

You will find records of printed and digital collections, core collections, journal articles, theses, and other support materials. You can also access the Historical Fund of the Campus, where you will find the Rare and Valuable Books prior to 1980, which were part of the bibliographic collections of the institutions that made up the current University of Santiago de Chile.