More than 240 candidates participated in the national and international teachers’ application process at the University

University community and public authorities witnessed the opening of the envelopes containing the backgrounds of the candidates who participated in the call to cover 40 vacancies made by the U. of Santiago, on December 3rd.

On Friday 4th , the public opening of envelopes containing the resumes  of more than 240 applicants for 40 positions was held in the Salón de Honor. This was another step in the national and international teachers’ application process, designed to cover this number of vacancies for the seven Faculties of the U. Santiago.The event was chaired by Juan Manuel Zolezzi the University President. Some other authorities attending this meeting were:  Fernanda Kri, Academic Vice President, Dr. Oscar Bustos, Vice President for Research and Development and the lawyer Gustavo Robles, the General Secretary, who also served as Attesting Minister.The deans, department heads, members of the academic units involved, and members of the university community, who wanted to follow this public and transparent process in detail, were also present.The application remained in force during December and there were candidates for all the positions offered."Today is an important day because this is the continuation of an initiative that began in 2008 and it involves the incorporation of top-level academics to our university", president Zolezzi said.The rules stipulate that those selected should teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and participate in current research projects and publications. They must also develop technical assistance, outreach and engagement and contribute to the university management, the continuous teaching improvement processes, the accreditation processes of careers, and syllabus revision, among other tasks.If there are no candidates who meet the requirements for each position, the vacancy will be declared void.The process also includes the job candidates’ psychological evaluation. This stage will be crucial and exclusive. "Those who do not comply with the rules and the spirit which the University seeks, will not continue in the process,” the president warned.