Study collects information regarding the impact of electromagnetic technologies on human health

A research team of the Technological Faculty of Universidad de Santiago, led by Dr. Arturo Rodríguez, conducted a study on the perception of Chilean people with regards to the use of electromagnetic technologies and their effect on human health. According to the survey conducted, among 1,100 people in the Metropolitan Region, although 87.4 per cent think that these tools are harmful to health, 92 per cent would not stop using them.

 Electromagnetic technologies (mobile phones, Wi-Fi devices, mobile phones antennas, among others) have reached almost all spheres of life. In spite of this, users do not know much about the electromagnetic radiation these devices emit and the risk that they pose, two factors that have been considered the cause of some health problems.A multidisciplinary team of the New Technologies Research Group (GINT-USACH, in Spanish) led Dr. Arturo Rodríguez, professor at the Technological Faculty of Universidad de Santiago, conducted a study that collected the Chileans’ opinion about technologies and their effect on human health. The study was based on face-to-face surveys and included 1,100 people from different communes of the Metropolitan Region.The poll conducted in the context of a Public Opinion Dicyt Project showed that Chilean people are highly dependent on electromagnetic technologies, although they are aware of the health risk that they may pose. According to the researchers, the conclusions reflect a society that prefers meeting its need for communication and interconnection over health care. For example, 87.4 per cent of the respondents perceive the use of electromagnetic technologies to be harmful to health; however, 62.9 per cent think that it is important to have access to them and they also use these technologies for work.The researchers say that these results are similar to other practices that can be observed in many situations of daily life. For example, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, which are associated to different diseases; however, people would not stop using them. The survey showed illustrative data regarding technological dependence. Almost 90 per cent of the respondents said that they use electromagnetic technologies for company, while 92 per cent said that they were not willing to stop using them, in spite of the negative effects they may have.Regarding the usefulness of these technologies, 39.4 per cent say that they are not totally convinced of using them for commercial transactions; besides, they do not consider these technologies useful tools in case of emergency. According to Dr. Rodríguez, “this phenomenon is due to the high presence of technology in daily life and the lack of education regarding the usefulness of technological devices and the need for their use. Technologies which are only oriented to meet needs will lead us to a society that cannot tolerate frustration; doubtlessly, to an increasingly troubled society.”Translated by Marcela Contreras