
Universidad de Santiago’s Accreditation: President Zolezzi formalized the process before the CNA

On February 28th, the University’s President submitted the statutory documents to Paula Beale, the Executive Secretary of the National Accreditation Commission. The dossier was delivered previous to the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report, which will be submitted by the end of this month, to subsequently have the visit of the external peer reviewers. President Zolezzi invited the University’s community to face this process with the maximum commitment and to stress our University’s strengths, both quantitatively and in terms of values.

Concurso Fondecyt 2014: Universidad se adjudica más de 3 mil 600 millones de pesos

Entre las cuatro Universidades que recibirán más recursos del Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico se ubicó nuestra Casa de Estudios, luego de que se publicaran los resultados del concurso 2014. Los otros planteles son la U. de  Chile, U. Católica y U.

Fondecyt 2014 Contest: Universidad de Santiago was granted more than 3,600 million Chilean pesos

Universidad de Santiago was among the four national universities that will receive more funds from the National Fund for the Scientific and Technological Development (Fondecyt, its acronym in Spanish), according to the results of the 2014 Contest. Universidad de Chile, Universidad Católica and Universidad de Concepción were the other three universities.

Investigador de QyB se incorpora a Comité Editorial de prestigiosa revista científica

En reconocimiento a su vasta trayectoria en el área de electroquímica, el académico del Departamento de Química de los Materiales, Dr. José Zagal, fue invitado a ser parte del Comité Editorial de la revista “Electrochemistry Communications”, publicación de nivel internacional que ostenta el mayor índice de impacto en su área.

Researcher of Faculty of Chemistry and Biology joints editorial board of renowned scientific journal

In recognition of his extensive career in the area of electrochemistry, Dr. José Zagal, professor at the Department of Chemistry of Materials, was invited to be part of the editorial board of Electrochemistry Communications, an international journal with the higher impact index in its field.

Centro de Estudios de los Alimentos del Plantel se acredita como laboratorio de alto estándar científico

El Centro de Estudios en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (CECTA) de la Universidad, se acreditó como laboratorio por un periodo de cuatro años, ante el Instituto Nacional de Normalización (INN), organismo encargado de certificar la existencia de infraestructura, equipamiento y personal calificado, en este caso, para el desarrollo de pruebas científicas en las áreas de química y microbiología.

Food Science and Technology Research Center of Universidad de Santiago accredited as a high- standard scientific laboratory

The Food Science and Technology Research Center of Universidad de Santiago was accredited as a laboratory for 4 years by the National Institute for Standardization, an agency that is in charge of certifying infrastructure, equipment and qualified staff, in this case, to perform scientific tests in the areas of chemistry and microbiology.

Plantel establece acuerdos de colaboración con University College of London

Primer acercamiento se realizó esta semana en nuestra Institución, con la visita de una delegación de la UCL, la que acordó poner en contacto a sus especialistas con académicos de la Facultad de Ingeniería y del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, antes de fin de año.

University establishes collaboration agreements with University College London

The first meeting was held by the end of November at our University, with a delegation of University College London (UCL), which agreed to put in contact its experts with academics of the Faculty of Engineering and the Advanced Studies Institute of our University before the end of the year.