Comunicaciones Vriic

Innovation in photovoltaic solar energy: The story of Leandro Ampuero, winner of Despega Usach 2017

Leandro began his career at Usach in 2011, when he enrolled in the Telecommunications Technology program. From the beginning, he showed a strong interest in technology and entrepreneurship, which led him to become actively involved in university projects and to be part of the Student Center of his career. “I spent a lot of time in the networking lab, which motivated my link between technology and entrepreneurship,” he recalls. These experiences not only broadened his perspective but also allowed him to identify his passion for creating value through technology.

Usach wins Structural Research Fund for Universities to strengthen its R+D+i capacity

The Universidad de Santiago de Chile was recently awarded the Structural Research Fund for Universities (FIU), an initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation (CTCI), aimed at strengthening Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) capacity in higher education institutions in our country. This funding will allow Usach to develop and consolidate strategic lines of research during the next ten years.