Innovo Center creates businessmen network to support entrepreneurs

The Red de Mentores network is made up of businessmen and executives with more than 10 years of experience, who will transfer their knowledge and experience to start-up companies incubated in this center, in order to give value added to their business.

On April 16th, Innovo Center of the Vice Presidency of Research, Development and Innovation of Universidad de Santiago presented an initiative called Red de Mentores (Mentoring Network). This network is made up of businessmen and executives with more than 10 years of experience who will transfer their knowledge and experience to start-up companies incubated in this center in order to give value added to their business.They are professionals that voluntarily join this network to provide knowledge about areas such as marketing, sales, exportation, finances, accountability, administration, business strategies, production and distribution, human resources, regulatory issues, technologies, leadership, team and conflict management, among others.“The idea is that the mentor will be able to give new points of view and foster new questions directly, as well as to expand the business vision of the mentee, who in turn will develop new abilities and acquire new knowledge to strengthen his/her new business,” Luis Lino, Director of Innovo Center, explains.The process will benefit those start-up companies that show significant progress at a commercial level and need to incorporate new knowledge and join networks to boost their businesses.“The initiative involves entrepreneurs who have companies and business projects based on science and technology, with at least one year in the incubation process, grouped together in areas like engineering sciences, food science, biotechnology and nanotechnology,” Lino adds.The first gathering was held on April 16th, where 10 mentors and 6 incubated entrepreneurs had the possibility of meeting each other. After the meeting, the mentoring process will be initiated and it will last for six months. During that time, each mentor will work with one startup, transferring his/her know-how, vision, attitudes and competences.“With this idea, we expect to benefit entrepreneurs with increased contact networks, professional advice, high level knowledge at no cost, acceleration of business growth, access to networks of potential investors, opportunities to implement ideas and plans, and feedback on professional and personal development areas, among others,” Innovo Center’s Director concludes.Translated by Marcela Contreras