Laboratorio Laben Chile from the University’s Technological Faculty was acknowledged for its ongoing support to the sustainability of the sector. The 2013 FullPlast Plastics Fair, organized by Asociación Gremial de Industriales del Plástico and Fisa, took place on July 24th, 25th and 26th at Espacio Riesco and brought together the most important national and international companies in the plastics industry.
Laben-Chile Laboratory of the Department of Science and Food Technology, Technological Faculty, University of Santiago de Chile -which is also part of the Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, CEDENNA- was awarded the RES Chile in the category "DIFUSIÓNd2w SUSTENTABLE 2013" for its ongoing effort to promote and support the sustainability of the sector in all its forms.The targets of the Packaging Laboratory’s activities are manufacturers and packaging converters, and their users (food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical companies). The Laboratory also provides opportunities to increase product quality and productivity, develop competitive advantages and modernizing and diversifying the management, production and marketing.The Laboratory was awarded at the International 2013 FullPlast Plastics Fair, organized by Asipla - Asociación Gremial de Industriales del Plástico - and FISA, on July 24th, 25th and 26th of July at Espacio Riesco. This event attracted 6000 visitors this year.Among the exhibitors that participated in Fullplast, there are processors of semi finished and finished plastic products; suppliers of machinery, equipment, services and technology; raw materials and supplies; automation and quality control; molds and tools; environment and recycling; and other institutions, associations, banks, services and technical journals. Internationally, there were pavilions from China, Italy and Brazil which showed the latest advances in the field.The program of the day consisted of a series of interesting activities for the sector, such as trade talks, business conference and the International Seminar, which included, as one of its main topics the new EPR law - Extended Producer Responsibility.