New car almost ready for Atacama Solar Challenge

The Apolo II, the new vehicle built by students and thesis students of Esus, the Universidad de Santiago’s Solar Vehicles Team, is being assembled these days. During this week, they expect to finish mounting the electrical wiring onto the mechanical structure while they finish the body shell that, this time, was made of carbon fiber and fiberglass; the sheets were manufactured by Fibrovent, one of the sponsoring companies.
After two years of work and research, the new car surpasses its predecessor by incorporating technologies that improve the energy efficiency, the engine performance and the use of batteries. Besides, innovations have been included in the design to meet the standards required by the Atacama Solar Challenge that will be held between November 13th and 17th this year.  
The Executive Director of the project, Gonzalo Pacheco says: “We want to be in the first place as we have worked for that. We will do our best until the end of the race.”


Two years ago, Esus, the Universidad de Santiago’s Solar Vehicles Team, developed a prototype for an ultra-light vehicle, fed with photovoltaic power -the Apolo- that competed in the Atacama Solar Challenge.

Since then, the team focused its efforts on improving the efficiency of the car. The results are about to see the light of day. In 2014, Esus members, together with the new students that have become part of the team, have developed a new and more advanced car model to compete again in this race and win. The car now is in the process of being assembled.

“We are in the process of integrating all the electrical, mechanical and design components,” Gonzalo Pacheco, a thesis student at the Mechanical Civil Engineering program and Director of Esus, said. He added that the challenge has been as big as the expectations. “We want to be in the first place as we have worked for that. We will do our best until the end of the race,” he said.

Innovations and improvements

This week the electrical and mechanical components of the Apolo II will be assembled together, including new technologies. Patricio Cerda, director of the electrical area and thesis student at the Electrical Civil Engineering program explained that the components were tested separately and that now is the time to assemble them together to get everything working as expected.

“We are using better engines than the ones we used before. They are two engines and they can reach 97% efficiency, what makes the car go at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. We have acquired nine 120 watt solar panels made in China, with an efficiency of 21 per cent. The previous car only reached 19 per cent. Also, with the new lithium –ion batteries made in Japan, we have reduced 40 kilos of weight. The batteries have a higher power density that allows storing more energy,” Patricio Cerda said.

Regarding the mechanical aspect, the student Martín Catalán said that the chassis is made of 4130 steel, which is used in high-speed vehicles for its resistance and low weight. Also, the designers decided to move the driver’s place to the left side in order to reduce friction areas and to improve the aerodynamic design. To balance the car weight, the battery array will be mounted on the right side. The car assembly also incorporates a brake system that includes two discs that work independently.

The body shell will be one of the last parts to be assembled and it is also different from the one in the previous car. In the Apolo II, it is made of carbon fiber and fiberglass, what results in a lighter and more resistant body manufactured by Fibrovent.

Several mechanical and electrical aspects had to be adapted, not only regarding their design, but to meet the standards required by the Atacama Solar Challenge that will be held between November 13th and 17th. The team will arrive in Iquique before that date for the qualifiers.

Learning experience

The experience of building this car goes beyond competing in the race. Patricio Cerda explains that “This is a very valuable learning process for students”. The practical experience that they have gained in renewable energies is something new in their training, as they started the project before the University created a laboratory for this area. “We have been working on this for four years so we have an advanced knowledge now,” he said.

For his part, Gonzalo Pacheco added that the project became an interdisciplinary initiative without expecting it. “We realized that the cooperation among engineers, architects and designers does not frequently occur in other projects. The project gathered several academic units around one point of view, with the support of the University, to continue working in a more professional way.”

The Apolo II should be ready on October 20th, to move on to a testing phase to then be introduced to the University community on November 3rd.

In the practice there are challenges too. The two drivers also competed in 2012. Pablo Carter, a student at the Mechanical Civil Engineering program explained that this not only about experience in driving, but also in developing the project.

“We the drivers belong to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and we have participated in the project. We know how the car works, how it performs, how it should move or brake and how the electrical component works,” he said.


Although 80 per cent of the project was funded by the University and the participating departments, it has been sponsored too by the University’s Society for Technological Development and important companies like Fibrovent that was responsible for the body shell; Schneider Electric that provided training courses; PC Factory that contributed to the development of the telemetry software to transmit data from sensors in the Apolo II to the support team; Servicio Láser that made the fiberglass molds, and Maestranza Murúa that helped with the chassis welding.

The Esus team has about 65 members, including students and thesis students of the Departments of Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and General Technologies, and the School of Architecture. A group of academics has been supporting the team with the development and implementation of the project.

Translated by Marcela Contreras
