Destacado académico de la Santiago Dr.Julio Pinto recibe Premio Nacional de Historia

His work includes publications in national and international books and journals, in relation to the conformation of the Chilean State, the development of the workers’ popular movement and the social- political crises of the XX century.



On August 22nd, Dr Julio Pinto Vallejos, professor at Universidad de Santiago de Chile, was awarded the National Prize of History 2016.

The renowned historian and Doctor in History from Yale University began to work at Universidad de Santiago when he was 24 years old, in the 80’s. Since then, he has made a major contribution to this discipline as a professor and a researcher.

His work includes publications in national and international books and journals, in relation to the conformation of the Chilean State, the development of the workers’ popular movement and the social- political crises of the XX century, as well as studies on Latin America. Likewise, he has trained several generations of historians and has continuously collaborated with the Ministry of Education.

Dr Pinto expressed that he did not expect this recognition, because there were other very solid candidates. “It was a very gratifying surprise, from which I am still trying to recover. I thank Universidad de Santiago, my university, for supporting my nomination as candidate for this prize and I thank my colleagues and students for their massive and generous support,” he said. “I dedicate this prize to all people who have been by my side throughout these years. They have made me feel that my work has been worthy.

The Minister of Education, Adriana Delpiano, explained that the jury based its decision on the notable historiographical production of Dr Pinto in different fields of the discipline, particularly, in social history and history of the Chilean Republic.

Dr Juan Manuel Zolezzi, President of Universidad de Santiago de Chile, congratulated Dr Pinto and highlighted his great contribution to the university reflected by his commitment to public education and strengthening state universities.

Dr Pinto is a Bachelor of Arts with a major in History (1978), a Master of Arts with a specialization in Latin American History (1979), and a Master of Philosophy in History of the Southern Cone, Colonial Latina America and France between 1789 and 1914 (1983). Hi is also Doctor of Philosophy in History (1991) from Yale University.

Besides, he has been a professor at different national and international universities; he is part of the Scientific Committee of the Historia journal and a member of the editorial board of LOM publishing house, where he is in charge of the History Collection. He has been part of the editorial board of Duke University Press (2013) and Oxford University Press (2014) and he is currently a member of the Humanities Committee of the National Accreditation Commission since 2013.

Translated by Marcela Contreras