To prepare the report for 2010-2011, the university used the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) international standard.
Environmental protection aspects, like reducing the energy consumption and having a better use of water in the campus during the period 2010-2011, are only some of the many indicators and relevant data included in the fourth version of the Universidad de Santiago’s Sustainability Report. The document was released on December 04th in the Salón de Honor, with the presence of the university’s authorities, union representatives and special guests.According to the Report, Universidad de Santiago reduced its energy consumption by 6%, while its use of water decreased by 5.7%, going from 489,758 m3 to 470,631 m3 between 2010 and 2011.The elaboration of the 2011 Sustainability Report mainly involves general aspects with respect to measuring, informing about and accounting for the University’s performance in relation to its sustainable development goal during the year included. With this aim, it’s worth to mention the sections “University Profile”(Perfil de la Universidad), “University Government” (Gobierno Universitario), “Interest Groups” (Grupos de Interés), “Management” (Gestión) and “Additional Indicators” (Complementarios).The document is the result of the commitment stated by the University to being a University known for its social responsibility and transparency. During his presentation in the Salón de Honor, President Juan Manuel Zolezzi assured that the University is aware of the path along which the international community is progressing and the importance of concepts like Social Responsibility and Sustainability nowadays.“We are aware that sustainability is one of the main axes for future development,” President Zolezzi pointed out.“This Report is public information and is a task that we have set ourselves to do. Through the Report we show the national community that we are accountable for the care of a public good like Universidad de Santiago de Chile. In this way, we show once again the responsibility that we have with all people that directly or indirectly take part in our daily activities,” he stressed.In this context, President Zolezzi highlighted several institutional initiatives, such as the Sustainable Campus Program, the University Pathway Program (Propedéutico) and the Rucahueche Youngsters´ Center for Integral Health. This latter is led by the School of Obstetrics and Child Care of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, together with the Municipal Corporation for Education and Health of Municipality of San Bernardo.Excellence and social inclusionWhen asked about the impact of this Sustainability Report, Dr. Sergio González, the Vice President of Outreach and Engagement, said that the document accounts for the institution’s responsibilities regarding social, environmental, economic, labor and professional matters, in a clear and accurate way.“This Report highlights the University’s two core concepts that embody the focus and the DNA of the institution: Excellence and quality orientation and social inclusion. It accounts for how we answer to our mission,” the Vice President explained.The Universidad de Santiago’s 2011 Sustainability Report was elaborated by the University’s Social Responsibility Program (RSU, in Spanish), which depends on the Vice Presidency of Outreach and Engagement.The RSU Program’s Executive Director, Ricardo Armijo, expressed thanks to all people in the academic and administrative units who contributed with the information required to elaborate this Report.The full text of the Universidad de Santiago’s 2011 Sustainability Report will be available in our web page in the following weeks.Translated by Marcela Contreras