With the aim of developing a mechanism that can predict faults in mining fans, a group of researchers from the University of Santiago de Chile, led by Dr. Sebastián Pérez from the Department of Mining Engineering (Dimin) Usach, are working on a Fondef R&D project, which has now begun field tests to prove its effectiveness in real operating conditions.
The on-site testing was carried out during a visit to the Tambo de Oro mining site, belonging to Minera HMC S.A., located in the Coquimbo region, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the intelligent device FAS (Fan Alert System) and to collect data that will validate its performance, connectivity and suitability in the detection of possible problems.
In this regard, Dr. Pérez emphasized that “the visit was highly productive. It allowed us to obtain valuable information about the operation of the device in real conditions. The operators expressed their interest in the tool, highlighting its potential to improve safety and efficiency in mining operations.”
The technical team in charge of the evaluation also included Dr. Michael Miranda, an expert in data science, and Denis Ogaz, an electronics specialist, both of whom are academics from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Santiago, Chile.
The itinerary included various activities such as data monitoring, analysis of results, training of operators in the use of the device and interpretation of metrics, and feedback with potential users.
“The activities we carried out emphasize the importance of integrating innovative technology in the mining sector to prevent failures and minimize downtime. In addition, we were able to identify areas for improvement in the user interface and potential future challenges, which would improve the monitoring experience,” concluded the professor about the field test of the “Smart computational intelligence device for predicting main fan failures in underground mining.”