Project to develop new composite material for the aerospace and automotive industries

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With 57% of all Usach awards, the Faculty of Engineering continues to consolidate its R&D, seeking new areas to generate knowledge. In the Fondecyt Iniciación 2025 program, 8 academics proposed new lines or to consolidate the existing ones with a new look. One of the awardees is Dr. Sebastián Toro.

The results of Fondecyt Initiation 2025 were the best for the Faculty of Engineering. This award confirms the level of excellence of fundamental research at FING and represents a continued high performance in the award rate, exceeding the historical rate of the Faculty (19%). “These figures are evidence of the significant improvement in research we are doing, due to high standards of the academics who have been hired in recent years and the current policies of the Faculty regarding Research and Development,” said the Vice-Dean of R&D and Graduate Studies, Dr. Andrea Mahn Osses.

One of the awarded projects is entitled “Evaluation of the structural properties and healing potential of a novel PEEK-PEI multilayer composite material reinforced with carbon fiber”, which seeks to develop a new composite material, using a hybrid thermoplastic matrix (combination PEEK + PEI) reinforced with carbon fiber. This material will combine the outstanding properties of the polymers used, making it ideal for applications in the aerospace and automotive industries. Further, its reparability will be investigated, aiming to extend the useful life of this type of material. 

“ Our aim is to contribute to the development of advanced composite materials with improved properties, adding new capabilities, such as repair. This reinforces the focus on sustainable and high-performance solutions for demanding sectors such as aerospace,” said Dr. Sebastián Toro, an academic from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is a Mechanical Civil Engineer and holds a Master's degree from the Usach and a PhD in Materials Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain).

The first result of the project will be to obtain the optimal parameters, in terms of structural performance, to manufacture the proposed material. “ Next, the success of the repair of this material when subjected to impact situations, as occurs with certain parts of an aircraft when impacting with birds during take-off and landing, will be considered. Finally, and due to the fact that the area of composite materials represents a small part of the national research, the idea is to promote and make this type of materials known in the Chilean industry, creating the first laboratory for the manufacture and characterization of composite materials in Chile”.

Dr. Toro emphasizes that this project will be developed jointly with researchers from the Imdea Materials Institute, located in Spain, where he obtained his doctorate. This collaboration will not only provide state-of-the-art equipment to characterize certain properties of the material, but will also allow the strengthening and reinforcement of international research networks. 
