Our University's E2Tech team wins award at international conference

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The team, from the E2Tech research center of the Department of Electrical Engineering (DIE), was awarded the Best Paper Award at the 2024 Third International Conference on Sustainable Mobility Applications, Renewables and Technology (SMART), organized by the Canadian University in Dubai. 

The 2024 Smart conference provided a unique forum to discuss the latest developments in sustainable mobility and energy and associated technologies. It brought together scientists, researchers, end-users, industry and policy makers from around the world to exchange ideas and discuss key issues for sustainable development. In addition to fostering knowledge exchange, the event offered multiple networking opportunities and allowed attendees to interact with some of the leading experts in these areas.

In this context, E2Tech engineers Tomás Ravet and Cristóbal Rodríguez, both graduates of the Master in Engineering Sciences, specializing in Electrical Engineering, from DIE Usach, received recognition for their research on multilevel modular converters.

During the conference they presented the following papers: Decoupled Control Strategy of a Back-to-Back Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Operating in Low Frequency AC Transmission Systems. Authors: Tomás Ravet, Cristóbal Rodríguez, Matías Díaz. Y Control of an AC-AC Modular Multilevel Converter for Medium Frequency Applications. Authors: Cristóbal Rodríguez, Tomás Ravet, Matías Díaz.

The paper Control of an AC-AC Modular Multilevel Converter for Medium Frequency Applications was awarded the Best Paper Award in the Power Electronics category. The award was presented by Frede Blaakberg, professor at Aalborg University in Denmark, and the world's most cited researcher in the area of power electronics. 

The awarded work is part of the IDEA I+D ID23i10421 and Fondecyt Regular 1230596 projects, directed by Matías Díaz. The research proposes an advanced strategy for the control of modular multilevel converters, optimized to generate medium frequency voltages. The authors presented simulation data that demonstrated the effectiveness of their proposal, in addition to experimental results performed on a prototype built in the E2Tech laboratory, validating the practical feasibility of the strategy.

According to Tomás Ravet, the differentiating factor of his proposal was its versatility and focus on practical applications, such as the development of solid-state transformers and charging stations for electric vehicles. “This positioned us as an innovative idea, focused not only on improving current technologies, but also on mitigating the environmental impact associated with the technologies currently in use,” he said. 

Cristóbal Rodríguez, in turn, emphasized that the experimental basis of the work and the orientation towards scalable and sustainable solutions played a fundamental role in winning the award, stating that his proposal “could significantly reduce the technical barriers in the adoption of advanced technologies in key sectors, such as the fast charging of electric vehicles”.

Both researchers agreed that the 2024 Smart experience was valuable, especially for the cultural exchange of ideas and the interaction with world leaders in engineering. Ravet pointed out that this type of interactions enriches perspectives and feeds research lines with novel approaches, while Rodriguez added that these learnings will allow validating advanced technologies in real scenarios and better face future technological challenges.
